Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Air constriction

It is pouring down rain today.  I am officially in a funk.  I feel like I am being pulled in so many different directions right now, and I don't know where to throw my efforts towards.  I feel like I've been in chaos for so long, that my soul is aching for peace.  But that peace is far from coming.

I am counting down the outfits to when I will have my closet back.  I just want to sleep in my own bed, even if it is just for one night.  Sorry to sound on the verge of a mental breakdown, but hell... honestly... I probably am.  Life is just so full right now, and I feel like I cannot breathe.  I tend to get overwhelmed really easily, and I am.  I am so overwhelmed.  I feel like the weight of all of these things is just pushing in on me.

And on top of all of this, the metal plate in my leg has been aching non-stop for the past 3 days.  This wouldn't be too bad if it was just located in my calf area, but the pain radiates up into my hip.  Every step that I take makes me want to cry.  Oh.... Hooray.

Red and Camel striped dress: courtesy of Leproust Vintage
Black leather belt: Gap (maybe 7 years ago)
Gray pointy toe loafers: Urban Outfitters


  1. On the bright side, this dress is adorable on you!!!

  2. Oh my goodness Alyson! It sounds like you need a wee break from your reality. A cup of tea, a sit down with your eyes closed and deep breaths that will likely lead to crying uncontrollably (pressure valve release) and eventual clearing of the cloudy mood. I don't know what exactly your days are looking like (besides stormy and stylish) but if you could break for some yummy tea and a few moments to yourself you will probably at least find a tiny sliver of peace. Also, I want you to know, that no matter the circumstances, you will persevere. Dark times cannot be upon us all of the time. they do pass (thank goodness because I know how bad they suck) Carry on Sweet girl!

  3. I'm with Second Skin on this... This too will pass!

    What's perfect in your life right now?

    Hang in there! You are loved!


  4. Oh, hun! I'm sorry you're having such a hard time! Hang in there, and, as CarolAnn said, this too will pass!

    The new layout of your blog looks great, as does that dress on you!

  5. I'm chatting with you right now... this feels weird like talking about (with you) behind your back. Anyway, hope our catty judgements have made your day a little better.

  6. I have totally been there, and I know how tough it is when you feel like your head is underwater. Just try to remember that it will pass. When I was going through a really tough time a year ago, I just kept telling myself that one day I'm going to look back on this time in my life and remember how challenging it was, and I'm going to learn from so much from it. That and cups and cups of herbal chamomile tea and some alone time with good books really helped me through it. Take care!

  7. Anonymous3:45 AM

    I looooove dresses that button up the front. And that's such a great color on you! <3

    -Dyanna Pure



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