Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lookin' Good!

Do you notice anything different?  Is it the way I parted my hair? No Did I actually wear eyeshadow? Really? No.  Oh, I see it now, the blog design is different!

Alyson Is Neat got a much needed facelift yesterday.  I did a little bit of optimizing for new visitors to get all the information they need from the start and also make my header and whole blog look a little more professional.  Its kind of like wearing big girl panties... I guess I put on my blogger big girl panties yesterday?  Yeah, its still early, I need coffee.

Also, thank you to everyone's sweet comments yesterday.  I was reading them and holding back tears.  Thank you to my readers for giving me freedom to be.  Even though I have it tattooed on my wrist, you would think I would remember it more often.  I am in a much chipper mood today because today is actually (finally) move in day!  As soon as I finish getting ready, I am heading to the new place to unload my first boxes.  I will try and take some pictures of the place without anything in it so that I can do a proper before and after.


  1. have a great moving in day xx

  2. You are a fancy pants with your 3 column layout.

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Love the new desgin. Lookin' good indeed!



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