Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Totally Neat Tuesday - Thief and Bandit

Lately, I have become slightly obsessed with all things Native American.   This weekend, Sam and I went to a "fry" party where we had Indian Tacos, a mainly Dakota delicacy.  So naturally when Darling Dexter posted about the shop Thief and Bandit a major case of coveting started.  I honestly think I want one of everything in her shop.  Everything is so beautiful!


Yes it does help that this shop fits into my no shopping for a year loop hole.  I can buy accessories, because I am super choosy when it comes to jewelery.  Also, her pieces are so different from anything I have ever seen.

1.  Braided Headband, $24
2.  Snake Corset Fabric Necklace, $48
3.  Piece Braid Necklace, $46
4.  Printed Navajo Scarf, $48


  1. Beautiful! I love the snake corset fabric necklace :)



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