Thursday, February 18, 2010

A tribute to friendship

I like to think that I am pretty open that I tend to be an emotional wreck at times.  Because I do.  But, I am always thankful for the friends that have a kind word, a hug, or a listening ear when I really need it.

Sam introduced me to this band a few months ago and I am so excited because they are playing here in Nashville soon.  They are called Dawes and here is a video of them covering one of my favorite Beatles songs.

Just wanted to share this with all of my readers, friends, and family.  Thanks for putting up with me sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. I think that all women definitely have emotional wreck moments! haha! How are guys soooo non-emotionally reactive? I hope that you are feeling better!

    I was catching up on your blog posts, and you and Sam's trip looked awesome! You two are adorable!



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