Monday, January 11, 2010

Keeping up resolutions with @yogatoday

This is Neesha, answering the telephone...
*This is not fashion related, so you can stop reading now if you only care about that and it is NOT a sponsored post.  I just really love yogatoday and wanted to give them some love!*

I feel like at 25, my body just decided to stop processing calories as quickly as it did when I was 12.  My metabolism feels like it has slowed to the pace of a slightly speedy turtle.  I decided, even before the new year, that I would start doing yoga.  I was a gymnast for about 10 years when I was growing up, and then jumped around to swimming and soccer.  I have always loved the concept of yoga, but never really actively participated until this past year thanks to this wonderful site Yoga Today.

Yoga Today offers a free hour long class every week to stream directly from their website.  They also offer all of their classes for downloadable purchase for $3.99.  You can also buy a month long subscription for $9.99.  Right now you can purchase their year long subscription at 25% off!  With the monthly/annual subscription you can stream any class, as many classes as you want.

I try to stay in the beginner and novice category, but for a challenge I like to do a more advanced class every once in a while.  I love the way I feel afterwards, and the fact that I can do it at home, makes it  easy to fit into my busy schedule.  I have discovered that I am more drawn to Anasura yoga, that deals with the heart behind your yoga practice, in which Neesha is the main Anasura instructor. 

I keep reading about so many blogs where people want to start doing yoga and just wanted to extend a helping hand and let you all know that you are not alone!  Anyone else interested in starting a yoga regimen?  I would love to help keep myself and others motivated!

1 comment:

  1. I was always afraid to start yoga. But I have heard how amazing it is for you. I recently signed up to because going to a studio or gym just didn't seem realistic to me.

    I have been practicing at home for two weeks now and feel amazing. I would recommend it to anyone and do.




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