Monday, June 06, 2011

Just Where Have You Been Young Lady?

It is safe to say, I have been doing far less mischevious things than this little girl above.  Didn't you love playing on the roof as a kid?  When I was a kid, I loved being up in the air.  I loved climbing on to the roof, and jumping down from about 12 feet.  I loved jumping on trampolines and tumbling.  I loved dangling from the uneven bars in gymnastics, just swinging back and forth, as high as I could go.  Knowing that you really only have so much control is a delicious freedom.  In yoga, I often tell myself, "You only have about 30% control over what your body will do, the other 70% is the balls to do it."  Sometimes, I fall flat on my face, and other times I fall upside down into a handstand.  Either way, I tried, and that is freedom.

I have made a million excuses to why I haven't blogged.  Yes, I have been incredibly busy.  No, I haven't really enjoyed blogging lately.  Cicadas scare the crap out of me and every time I step outside they try to land on me so I'm not going to pose for them.  My roots are showing.  Why yes, I have been waking up 30 minutes late (oops).  Do you really want to see what I wear to work everyday?  But... I can't wear shorts and thigh highs, or dresses with back cut outs or sheer shirts that show my bra.  And aren't you tired of seeing me wear stripes? (NEVER!!!!)

One thing is though, I've been fighting my niche.  I am a twenty-something professional, working an 8 to 5 job, dressing business casual, wearing black frequently, and always erring on the side of conservative.  I sit at a desk, in a cube, make jokes by the water cooler, and park in a parking garage.  I take an elevator to our offices, I bring PB&J, and I love working in excel.  I have actually contemplated doing a post on my top 5 favorite excel functions... I'm serious.  

Alyson will return tomorrow.  For today, she's going to take a nap before making her dinner.


  1. I've heard the cicadas are really bad in Nashville. Glad they haven't made their way east. Tell us your top five favorite excel functions, I might learn something helpful.

  2. I totally think you should write a post on your 5 favorite functions in Excel. Sounds like fun to me!

    I know how stifling it can feel to be bound by a corporate dress code. I do really like reading what you have to say though, so if you can only take indoor photos (I only take indoor ones) or if all you do is write with no photos, that's okay too!

  3. If you write about Excel functions, I will write about what NOT to put in your PowerPoint presentation and how to make it 508-compliant ;) Hey, we all need jobs so we can afford our clothes, and my 9-5:45 ain't that glamorous (though I must say I do enjoy it).

    I like that you wear real clothing, and look like a real, stylish, fun person. Not everyone can wear 50 layers and kneesocks with platform peeptoe ankle boots each day, but really... I find fashion inspiration from blogs like yours where you show that you can be a successful office employee and still look like a million bucks!

  4. Dude, that's what happens when we work! I think I like to see people who try to flex their muscles while being stuck in a dress code more than I enjoy reading about someone in a vintage romper while listing vintage items for etsy!

  5. Sounds a lot like my life :) Have you heard of 20 Something Bloggers? ( It's this great forum for people like us, and I find that it gives me tons of inspiration! You should check it out.

    Planning outfits for an office job can be a pain, I know. But there's a whole world out there of girls like us who want to look good at work! Write to that :)

    (P.S. Excel is my savior.)



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