Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Safe and sound, on Texas ground

So I am staying at this hotel here in Dallas, and to be honest, I'm not totally sure what kind of animal they tried to make with the towels.  It looks like a combination peacock/seal.  Like a seal with a collar on?  Anyways, I made it.  However, I did forget my slip.  This is incredibly unfortunate seeing that I have two skirts to wear, one being a light color.  I am hoping for poor lighting at this conference, or I might be in trouble.

Fortunately, I was not wearing this dress to travel in.  It is way short.  I had been wanting this dress for a long time and it was really all a matter of heading down to the American Apparel store and trying it on.  This dress was the official last thing I bought before I gave up shopping.  I have never owned anything this bright purple, but I think it suits me. 

Purple cotton dress: American Apparel
Necklaces: Forever 21 & Modcloth
Shoes: Urban Outfitters

Oh, and to leave you with something to laugh at, here ya go:

What can I say? I'm a goof!


  1. Cute post! At first I thought the necklace might be part of the dress since it's not too close up, but I like the positioning of the necklaces. Very cute! And I like silly poses like your last one! It shows that you're not all "I'M SERIOUS I BLOG ABOUT FASHION." ha ha. :D

  2. ahaha. that last picture made me laugh. this color looks so great on you. You should definitely own more things in this color.

  3. Superstar! American Apparel would be the death of me if we had one anywhere near here. I live in a podunk town. Thank goodness for that. No expensive tempting stores. Plenty of thrift stores and pawn shops.

  4. I love the color (and cut) of this dress! Good choice for a final purchase :)



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