Thursday, February 25, 2010

So mad, I could spit, kinda... Blog Comments not working

Have you tried posting a blog comment and not have it show up?

Have you tried entering my contest and are mad because well, you can't because the comments aren't working?

Something may be broken on my blog, and I am currently working with blogger to get it fixed BUT, I need to find out as much information as possible.

If you have tried to comment on my blog, and it has not shown up, it would be amazingly helpful if you could e-mail me or reply to my on twitter.  Here is how to get in touch with me...

My e-mail is going to be written in code, so when you go to e-mail me take out the paranthesis okay (This prevents spam, new fact to stick in your hat)?  Got it? good.  alyson(.)woods(@)gmail(.)com

My twitter name is alysonisneat  spelled just like that.

All right, I am incredibly sorry for any sort of inconvenience this has caused.  If anything I am so embarassed that this has happened.  I am just as frustrated as some of you are, but let's work together to get this problem taken care of!  Thank you!


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    test comment, yes i did post.

  2. Testing as well. I think it has been posting... But I will add you on twitter :)



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