Thursday, January 14, 2010

On a normal day

I realized something.  At first, I was just taking pictures of my outfits when I was trying really hard to look awesome-sauce.  However, since that is not something that happens everyday, I decided I'm going to take more pictures of myself, everyday.  I may wear my gray pixelated argyle cardigan a lot, but I've never posted a picture of it.  I may wear my gray AA V-neck T, but again, never posted a picture of it.  Just because its an old faithful to me, doesn't mean that its old to my readers... some of you don't ever see me everyday!  You've never seen me in the outfits that I wear everyday! 

I could jump up and down.  Suddenly, this realization is like a new found freedom!

Here is one of my favorite casual outfits to wear to work. 

Jacket: American Apparel track jacket in Kelly Green
Tank: Hanes
Jeans: Paper Denim
Shoes: Blue Suede Toms, Gift!

Kelly Green and I have a really great friendship.  It all started in high school when I got to be Peter Pan in Peter Pan.  I got to wear these AMAZING kelly green tights.  Oh, and I got to fly and sing and stuff, and throw fairy dust (actually giant chunks of glitter so awesome!!!!).  Then when I went to college, where we were the Mean Green, and our color was kelly green. 

It is one of those colors that hits my skin tone just right.  My hair looks brighter and redder.  My skin looks fresher, my eyes bluer.  I'm definitely a fan of something so comfortable, and so flattering. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! love this. It's always good to see fellow fashion/beauty bloggers are normal and have blah-I-don't-feel like-dressing-up days.



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