Wednesday, August 05, 2009

A visual representation of an author's thoughts...

I have recently learned that not just one but TWO of the books I have read this summer are being made into films. The first one, The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold will come out this December. It is starring some of my favorite actors (Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon, and Stanley Tucci). The trailer was just released on Apple Trailers today.

I am THRILLED for this movie. First of all, I did not like the way the book ended, BUT I trust Peter Jackson, and so far the movie looks REALLY good. Sorry for all the caps, but I'm excited for this movie.

The second book is Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Now, if you read you will see that I enjoyed this book and I am still recommending this to friends and family to read. However, I am a little disappointed by some of the casting choices... well okay, one of the casting choices, the main casting choice. Julia Roberts is cast as Liz... I just think that there could have been someone who is a little more... real? I will have to see. But so far, James Franco is playing David (which James Franco could play poppy in a new adaptation of a Wizard of Oz and I'd be happy about that because he is adorable). Stephen her ex husband is being played by Billy Crudup, that's okay, too. Javier Bardem as Felipe, which didn't him and Julia Roberts just finish making a movie together? Also listed is Richard Jenkins. Richard Jenkins is a phenomenal actor and although the name may not ring a bell, the face will. I am hoping he will be portraying Richard from Texas... can't you just imagine Richard Jenkins calling Julia Robert's Groceries? Right now on it does not list what character he is playing, but I think he would make a great Texan at an ashram in India.

Anyways go watch the trailer for The Lovely Bones and find all the paparazzi images from the set of Eat, Pray, Love.

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